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What genres of e-books do you offer?

We offer a wide range of genres, including self-development books, realism, Business Development, children's skill development books and more. Our diverse collection caters to different reading preferences.

How do I purchase a e-book on Caprybooks.com

To purchase a product on CapryBooks.com, simply browse our product categories, select a product that you are interested in, and click the “Buy Now” button. You will be taken to the checkout page where you can complete your purchase by entering your payment details.

How often do you add new e-books to the market ?

We add new ebooks always and regularly to our store in all categories , just visit our website on an ongoing basis to take advantage of them to develop your ideas and skills

Are your products compatible with all devices?

All our books are compatible with most devices, including computers, tablets and smartphones. Our books are in the form of PDF, a widely used format that can be easily opened on most devices without the need for any special software.

What if I have trouble downloading my e-book?

If you encounter any issues with downloading your e-book, please contact our customer support team at Contact Us . We're here to help and will assist you in resolving any technical difficulties.

Can I gift an e-book to someone?

Certainly! You can purchase an e-book as a gift during the checkout process. Just provide the recipient's email address, and they'll receive a special code to download the book