Over 100,000 parents have found the facts they need about high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including Asperger syndrome, in this indispensable guide. Leading experts show how you can work with your child’s unique impairments–and harness his or her capabilities. Vivid stories and real-world examples illustrate ways to help kids with ASD relate more comfortably to peers, learn the rules of appropriate behavior, and succeed in school. You’ll learn how ASD is diagnosed and what treatments and educational supports really work. Updated with the latest research and resources, the second edition clearly explains the implications of the DSM-5 diagnostic changes.
The book is divided into two parts. Part One discusses what Autism Spectrum Disorder is, how it is diagnosed, possible causes, and treatments. Part Two gives you the day-to-day advice and practical information about helping children with autism from early childhood through adulthood. If you find the material in Part One too theoretical to follow, or you are most interested in learning something to help you and your child right away, you can start with Part Two. I started with Part Two, since the possible causes of my son's autism, while interesting, was a case of "water under the bridge".